Five Ways That Outsourcing Meeting Planning Adds Value

CCP Events MeetingMeetings are a crucial part of any business. And knowing how to carry out a perfect meeting can often be difficult. During these instances that’s when outsourcing the planning of your meetings can do a world of good – adding immediate value above and beyond the fees that you ultimately pay.

So what does outsourcing your meeting planning really mean? Simply put, it is hiring a professional planning service (like CCP Events) to work with your team to set the meeting strategy, organize all details (from venue to vendors), set-up and assist your team with carrying out the meeting (or series of meetings). Outsourcing a professional planner team to work with you adds a great deal of value. Below are five ways that you can get immediate value from this service:

First and foremost, a meeting that has been outsourced can ultimately improve the overall experience for those in attendance. Professional meeting planners have extended resources for finding vendor services such as: finding the best venue, consulting with food and beverage experts / catering companies regarding the perfect menu, print services for signage and meeting collateral and  speaker and/or entertainment services. Locking in any combination of these services can often be overwhelming. A professional planner has access to handle one or all easily…when you might be hard pressed to give of the time needed to do the same.

Often someone who doesn’t plan meetings often can get bogged down in the little details  of planning and have a hard time seeing the bigger picture. This leads to stress, wasted time, and ultimately more work in the end is needed to make the meeting successful. Professional planners have the ability to be impartial to the event, so they can plan both the bigger picture AND the smaller details. Once the strategy and tasks list is established they easily manage the ‘bigger picture’ so that your team and attendees get the most out of the meeting.

When it comes to meetings, you can be on top of this or that but often times you may end up missing things like new technologies, new meeting formats, and new trends that may end up benefitting your meeting as a whole. A professional meeting planner is going to be on top of what’s new in the industry and will have seen a variety of these trends applied to other meetings. They will be able  to identify and apply the trends and techniques that are applicable to your meeting…better helping you to reach the goals that have been set for your meeting.

There’s no denying that making the decision to outsource your meeting planning is going to save time and money. Instead of having to spend hours upon hours distracted with the planning details, your planner will take care of that so that you (and your team) can focus on the most important of details. Not only will you get a wonderful meeting that is expertly planned, you will be able to spend your time doing other things that are more pertinent and can take your meeting from average to WOW for for those attending.

Have you ever planned a meeting only to find that more people (or event worse, less people) are coming than you thought? Many shudder at the thought of the last minute details…needing to move venues, needing to present a new piece of information or content that you did not expect, needing to adjust catering to accommodate the fluctuation up or down of attendees. Outsourcing the planning of your meeting puts a professional planner at your disposal that is able to think on their feet. They are able to work quickly to change elements of your meeting with no sweat. Often times, solving a challenge before you’ve even known that it’s a challenge!

Overall, outsourcing all your meeting planning tasks or just a few will make the meeting day (or days) run smoother. Less stress and better meeting ROI sounds great, right?! If you’ve never worked with a professional planning company before we invite you to connect with our CCP Events team – we’d love to share how we can add value to your meeting!